Thursday, July 24, 2008

Brief Blogging

I just checked Patsy's blog. She has more pictures of her re-purposed gardens. Enjoy. Chris

I dreamed a thousand paths, I awoke and walked my own. - Chinese Proverb


Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you Chris for your kind comments. I haven't come across your blog before - how did I miss it? It's wonderful to read about other 'ordinary' (hope you know what I mean?) people in different parts of the world who share the same kind of creative inclinations. What a beautiful part of the world you live in - and I hadn't ever heard that you had floods! I've been to America four times - but only the coast and cities really - and I love the warmth and openness of the people I've met. I'll be back to read more when I've finished struggling with posting, listing, 'wrong' passwords, google reader, etc....

ArtPropelled said...

I love the quote! Enjoy your time at the Lake. It looks so beautiful. I often read about loons ("the call of the loons")in novels and wonder what they sound like.