Friday, November 27, 2009

Fair Fowl

My husband found this Eastern Screech Owl sleeping in the rafters of our tractor barn a few weeks ago. Sometimes our chores get put off so we can discover nature instead. This species of owl is 9" tall at maturity (this owl is sitting on a 2"x12"). They have a very eerie call that reminds me of the soundtrack from a scary movie. We once saw one sleeping peacefully in the top of a tree while the wind gusted at 35 mph. Read more information and listen to the calls of these owls here.
Female Ring Necked Pheasants have been rooting around for seed under our bird feeders recently. They get their name from the ringed necks of the males. We have enjoyed having them around the house. They strut in a way that resemble the walk of a chicken. Sometimes they chase each other around like kids playing a game of tag.

On another note...I am offering free shipping worldwide for anything purchased from my ShadyGroveStudios Etsy Shop through the end of December.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving from the Shady Grove!



Life Looms Large said...

I love owls! Thanks for posting these pictures!

The other night we heard an owl calling very close to our house. I love that sound...which we hear more often in the cold months than in summer.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love the owl, I don't believe I have ever seen one here although we do have them.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I have never seen an owl that was not in captivity. How fortunate you are to have them on your property!

Are they a protected owl?

Unknown said...

We have screech owls in our neighborhood and they can be quite noisy. Although I have never actually seen one. We have tons of nature to see. I love it!!

Lynn Cohen said...

Interesting ceatures!!! Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving Chris.

ArtPropelled said...

He looks kinda quirky doesn't he? I've just seen a screech owl over at Oogleboops barn. (Post in my sidebar)

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Thanks for sharing your interesting friends with us. Lately we have had a lot of eagles around us. I wish I could get a good picture of them. Blessings to you:) Jenna Louise

bindu said...

Such a beautiful owl! It has an eerie call indeed.

Jenny said...

Do you know the older childrens book called "Owl Moon". It was a Caldecott award winner. It is a beautiful book! Thanks for the neat post.

Greenmare said...

awesome bird pictures!!!!

Susan Elliott said...

How great that the birds cooperated long enough to take pics so you could share with us!!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Chris, If I was an owl I wouldn't mind hanging out at your place too... smart fella there... and look at those eyes!!! so lucky to see him this close up!!!

we kept phesants (once) for a while till they made a mad dash for the door one sad afternoon...

lisette said...

yikes - that owl looks mighty irritated :)