Thank you so much for all of your comments on my 100th post. It was really helpful to hear your favorites. I won't keep you in suspense. The winners are....
Jackie's Stitches, a knitter and a new quilter. She has some lovely pictures of a recent trip along the Appalachian Trail. I've always wanted to make that trip.
A big thank you to everyone that turned out for the Fabric Sale yesterday.
Here are my purchases, made in the afternoon after most people had come and gone. There are 4 sets of purchases in the photo above. The assortment of oriental prints fanned out in the front is the most expensive group on the table. The other 3 groups were bags of 2-3 lbs each (or 8-12 yards each) purchased for $5.00 a piece. On the left is a group of silks that include a Frank Lloyd Wright inspired fabric. The bag in the center holds strips sets of light and dark hues of brown. (I always need more of these in my stash.) The last on the right are generous scraps of different African prints. I've always wanted to add these to my collection.

This sale is on two levels of the home. I worked in Jeanne's quilting studio where all the fancy fabric are located. Oh... there is still so much left to choose from. I don't think it will matter what day you come to shop. You will not go away unhappy.
There still many large pieces of African print. Some are mud cloth, some with shells and still others are appliqued. There are a couple of bins full of hand dyed cotton sateens, print cloth and hand painted fabrics. Other items on this level include fancy garment fabrics, wool, overdyed wool, fleece, oriental fabrics (both silk and cotton prints), velvets and upscale batiks.
I came home with yards of Laura Wasilowski's cotton sateens, lovely hand dyed flannels and some of Wendy Richardson's overdyed velvets. Scrumptious!!!

The upper level of the home houses the traditional fabrics. There are cottons, flannels and even courduroy fabrics to choose from.

There are three more days left to this sale. Look for details in the upper right hand corner of my blog. I borrowed some of these pictures from Patsy's blog. You can see more photos here.
Leonids meteor showers peak tomorrow night November 17th in the late evening. I hope your skies are clear.
I'm sure you're brimming with ideas after adding all that to your collection! :)
I'm so happy to be a winner! Yeah! Your blog is so much fun! Thanks so much! Jenna Louise
wow! What fun that must have been. I can see the dazed look on my husband's face if I told him I was going to buy fabric at such an event........sigh...what fun!
thanks for stopping by my blog and the nice comment about the hat.
wow that's like a quilt shop right in the house. I love what you got!! Laura Wasilowski is my mothers cousin, and she does wonderful stuff with dye!! I wish I could make it to the rest of the sale. :-(
What a wonderful stash! She must have been an amazing quilter. Did she have a blog? I'd love to see some of the pictures!
I sure wish I lived close enough to visit or there was some kind of mail opportunity.
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